Sanofi, Google Partner in Diabetes Care

Sanofi and the life sciences team at Google have formed a collaboration for developing better ways to collect, analyze, and understand multiple sources of information impacting Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The collaboration will pair Sanofi’s expertise in diabetes treatments and devices with Google’s expertise in analytics, miniaturized electronics, and low-power chip design. The companies will explore how to improve diabetes care by developing new tools that bring together many of the previously siloed pieces of diabetes management and enable new kinds of interventions. This includes health indicators such as blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c levels, patient-reported information, medication regimens and sensor devices.

The goal is that it will be easier for patients to successfully manage their diabetes, which would reduce the risk of complications, improve outcomes and ultimately lower costs.

“With new technologies emerging to provide a more continuous and real-time view of a patient’s health, we can see the promise for more proactive and effective ways to control diabetes,” said Andy Conrad, CEO of the life sciences team at Google, in a Sanoif release. “Together with Sanofi, we believe diabetes management can be simpler and more convenient, which may help patients achieve an improved quality of life.”

“We have built expertise in providing holistic, integrated solutions that combine medicines, devices, technologies and services,” said Pascale Witz, Executive Vice President, Sanofi, who will lead the Global Diabetes and Cardiovascular Care Business Unit in the company’s new organizational structure, in the Sanofi release. “The life sciences team at Google can help us improve the patient experience, outcomes and manage healthcare costs more effectively.”

Source: Sanofi

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