Bormioli Pharma Launches Packaging System for Drug Reconstitution
Bormioli Pharma, a Fidenza, Italy-headquartered glass and plastic manufacturer, has launched a dual-chamber packaging system as a solution for unstable drug formulations.
AccuRec is a dual-chamber packaging system that lets patients reconstitute a range of oral drug products right in the packaging container. Pre-dosed solvent and drug powder are stored in separate chambers in a tamper-evident and child-proof package; a twist releases the powder into the solvent at the time of dosing.
The AccuRec system is designed to maximize drug stability in reconstituted oral medicines by eliminating the need to include excipients with the active ingredient. Excipients are traditionally used in pharmaceuticals to make drugs more stable, but this can contribute to additional adverse side effects from drug toxicity, allergy, or intolerance. AccuRec circumvents the need for excipients because the chambers prevent active ingredients from contacting and interacting with the solvent until the moment of administration, according to information from Bormioli Pharma.
The company says that the AccuRec system also helps eliminate the chance for human error by providing guided self-administration and mixing of pre-dosed solvent and drug powder.
Source: Bormioli Pharma