The Outlook for Biomanufacturing Capacity

As the number of biologic-based drugs in development and commercialization grows, a crucial issue for the industry is the availability of biomanufacturing capacity. So where does the industry stand?.

At DCAT Week ‘16, being held March 14-17 in New York, the education program, Biopharmaceutical Forum: Global Biomanufacturing Trends, Capacity, and Technology Drivers, will address this issue with insight on the major capacity additions by pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies and contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) and the impact on supply-demand fundamentals for biomanufacturing capacity.

Examining the issue 
The program, Biopharmaceutical Forum: Global Biomanufacturing Trends, Capacity, and Technology Drivers, scheduled for Wednesday March 16 from 2:00 to 4:30 PM at the Waldorf Astoria in New York, will examine a crucial issue for the industry: will there be sufficient biomanufacturing capacity to accommodate growing biologic-based drug development and commercialization both currently and in the near-term and what is the mix between microbial and mammalian cell culture capacity? The program will also examine the specialized issues in developing and managing the supply lines for biologic-based drugs. 

Addressing these issues will be two well-respected consultants that will provide the market numbers, expansion activity, as well as technology drivers impacting biomanufacturing. Patricia Seymour, Senior Consultant, BioProcess Technology Consultants, Inc, will provide an industry overview of biomanufacturing to examine current and projected industry capacity utilization, expansion activity among pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, and the key technology advances impacting supply and demand biomanufacturing fundamentals. William Downey, President, High Tech Business Decisions, will provide an-depth analysis of the contract biomanufacturing market, outsourcing trends for biologic-based drug substances, CMO capacity utilization, technology differentiation impacting supplier strategies, and the production economics influencing make–buy decisions.

The program will also provide perspectives from leading pharmaceutical companies on issues impacting biologic-based supply strategies and the role of external partners in filling supply needs, including perspectives on key operational issues and the integration of internal and external supply networks, best practices in sourcing and procurement for biologics, and key considerations in supplier risk management for biologics. These issues will be addressed in presentations and a panel discussion with: Mike Cicio, Vice President, Commercial Recombinant Manufacturing, Baxalta; Bruce Smith, Associate Director, Sourcing & Procurement,AstraZeneca; and Chris Calabretta, Global Procurement Leader, Direct Materials Biologics & Vaccines, Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

Further information, including how to register, may be found here. 

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