Pharma Industry Outlook: Pre and Post COVID-19

How was the global pharmaceutical industry performing before the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and what now is the near- and long-term impact on industry fundamentals and growth projections? An upcoming DCAT webinar, presented by Graham Lewis, Vice President, Global Pharma Strategy, IQVIA, provides valuable insight.

One of the most pressing issues facing all industries, including the global pharmaceutical industry, is what will be the impact of the economic downturn triggered by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic—both in terms of magnitude and duration—and how it has or may alter the trajectory of both current and near-term industry performance.

Graham Headshot

Graham Lewis
Vice President
Global Pharma Strategy

To address those very important questions and to better understand the industry’s fundamentals and market prospects prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and how they may be now impacted, the Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT) is presenting a webinar, Pharma Industry Outlook, on Tuesday, June 30 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM ET, featuring Graham Lewis, Vice President, Global Pharma Strategy, IQVIA.

Mr. Lewis is a well-recognized industry expert and widely sought after for his strategic insights for conferences and executive briefings throughout the world, including as a featured speaker at past DCAT Week education programs. The webinar will be moderated by Jim Miller, Content Advisor/Consultant, DCAT, and a preeminent expert in bio/pharmaceutical outsourcing and industry consultant with more than 20 years of experience in the bio/pharmaceutical industry.

The 90-minute webinar, which will include a question-and-answer session for attendees, will provide a pharmaceutical market overview with key data and trends analysis on the growth prospects in developed and emerging markets, primary versus specialty drugs, and innovator and generic drugs. The analysis will provide insight into industry fundamentals and performance prior to the pandemic, how they are being impacted by the pandemic, and what may be the new normal for the industry as it emerges from the pandemic. The webinar will further provide valuable insights into the impact on clinical development stemming from the pandemic, both from the large pharmaceutical companies and emerging biopharmaceutical companies, and how that will affect the industry’s pipeline, new product development,and near-term product launches. The webinar will also address the impact on the pharmaceutical market of macroeconomic uncertainty, supply-chain disruptions, and changes in healthcare delivery arising from the pandemic and how the industry will adapt now and in the future.

Further information, including how to register, may be found here.

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